Yeah-Ah-Ey or the Song of Three Words: Electro-Dubstep: EDM news: Music PR Agent™
Electro Plus Dubstep Equals 140bpm Dancefloor Fun
Yeah-Ah-Ey is also called ‘The Song of Three Words’ for a good reason: this song has just three words – Yeah, Ah and Ey. They mean whatever you want – that’s why this uplifting track sounds sweet anywhere, any time. This single by BPMstr | the Artist of the Tempo
(Luke Kelvin) is a Beatport Exclusive release until November 26 and then goes worldwide. This is another classy record that has enjoyed wide Beatport support and 20.000+ S.C. plays in the first 2 weeks – from a producer who has no manager or booker or media agent! The downloads are free – and please submit your feedback…